dear diary,
boy am i bummed. mom told me to count to seven and as if wasn't enough, she said while she is gone, she will be going to the big apple with auntie robin. like, that doesn't even sound right. cuz apples are for eating, not for visiting. and even if u could visit an apple, what would make that more interesting than hanging with me and dad? i guess one day i will find out because mom said one day she wants us all to go to the big apple, and then i can see what all the fuss is about.
but for now, i will just worry and stay close to my dad. and look forward to skyping with her tonight.
toodley-boo hoo,
Bax.. it's like James and the Giant Peach ... only it's Mommy, Auntie Robin and the Giant Apple. Hopefully they don't find any scary worms. :)
Bax, don't worry about mommy being gone- she will
be back in no time! Besides, don't you get chik- fil- a treats while mommy's gone? :-)
Isn' Dad one of doz Dads dat doesn' believe in diets?
So, like, pizza, chik-fil-a an' Burger King here you come!!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, B! And maybe she'll find some apple-flavored rawhide to bring you.
I sure hope mom started her drive yesterday ... otherwise, you may not have to count to 7, because she may be stuck at home!
Buck up, Baxter. I'll help you count off those days. Yep... stay close to your day. It'll be okay, pal.
Extra pawhugs today, Max
Baxter - I have been to that apple. I rode in an elevator and took the subway to Central Park. My cousin lives in that apple. There are lots of smells there.
<3 Molly
Btw, B, it looks like the Residence Inn at Times Square is pet-friendly. Maybe you could spend this week researching Baxter-friendly places for her next trip?
Another 7??
Have fun with your Dad!
Kisses and hugs
Ooo, ooo, ooo! Your Mom should take you to the Big Apple for the Dachshund Festival they have twice a year in Washington Square!! Millions - well, maybe hundreds - of doxies come to the Square and everybody sings the Dachshund song! Here's a link to a site that has the Dachshund Song on it!! Tell your Mom to book a room!!!
Ooops, i forgot the link!
ooo i will totally look into dat!!!
:) mom says hi to everybuddy and it is snowing there! :)
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