Wednesday, February 9, 2011

suspicious minds

Our garage has been in disarray these past couple of weeks, keeping me out of dyeing adventures and keeping my car in the driveway, which in turn keeps the little kielbasa busy almost every morning as he barks at my chariot new.

intruder alert i'm tellin ya, intruder! he quickly tells me from his kitty perch as I open the blinds for the day.

Pish posh, I'll tell him.  It's the very same car that takes you on rideys.  You've seen it practically every day now.

But most days my words aren't enough to calm my little security guard, and so often to settle our implicit bet, suspicious sausage boy and I venture out in the cold for a good circle and a sniff.

well i'll be. it is ours. okay, let's go inside now!

And up the stairs he quickly trots, another day ready to unfold.



Keren Hening said...

Guinness always barks at everything! Often I have to yell, "I LIVE HERE!" "Oh, yeah, dat's rite, Auntie Keren, you do! O.K., den i'll just go nap now."

M.A said...

oh geeze- aren't all these weenies the same? I swear Kona barks at anything that passes by his "gate" including a leaf it seems!

HH and The Boys said...

Even Knuckles and Bugsy alert HH when someone is coming toward the door. It's a good thing.

pawhugs, Max

Alicia said...

Perhaps it was the scent of french fries or Chick-Fil-A that consoled the wee security boy!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Nothing alarms Annie, they are all company coming to see her. Now if it has four legs, we instantly go into safety patrol mode and bark enough to let everyone in the neighborhood know whos in charge of this block.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, i think we doxies were all programmed the same!! :) b