Monday, March 28, 2011

splish, splash, spelunk

Little helper boy was tentative at first about the idea of joining his dad deep down in the yucky dungeon that is the crawl space under our house this past rainy weekend. But in no time did tiny chumley decide that this low dark location was exactly his cup of tea, the kind of thing his little stubby legs were meant to help him explore. And so after a brief check on his dad to make sure he didn't need any help reconnecting the dryer vent, the little kielbasa wandered off, trotting here and there for a good sniff and jumping over pipes and shimmying under other pipes.  All because he could, and all because his little legs let him. 

ooooh, i really like it down there. may we go back again sometime? asked my little happy friend when he emerged back into daylight.

"Well, I daresay we may need to again sometime, and when we do, you can be the lucky boy who brings dad his flashlight next time," said I as we walked away from the entrance so Big Boyfriend could finish the job in peace. "Deal?"

yip yip hooray! his eyes did glint as we shook paws on it, and bounded off into the backyard in search of another adventure.


Lorenza said...

You and your Dad were very brave going there! It looks scary!
Have a great monday!
Kisses and hugs

Keren Hening said...

"Custom designed for a dachshund! Why doesn't Auntie Keren have one of dem?"

"'Cause Auntie Keren has a whoe basement where Auntie Ann lives, you little stinker!"

"Oh . . . sah-wee!"

Jordan said...

Looks like he had fun! :)

HH and The Boys said...

I never liked getting wet, so that's not a spot for me. You're a good helper, Baxter.

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, me n duk duk want to turn it into our dognduk cave, but boo hoo mom won't let us. i hope she changes her mind cuz we totally could hang out n do stuff down there. hello world!! :)

Anonymous said...

What an adventure you must have had, Baxter! :D

Bludog said...

Let's get Baxter a little headlamp ... not that he needs it, since the nose KNOWS, but he sure would look cute!

kalyxcorn said...

i did, miss taylor lynn! i am so looking forward to the next time! :)

ooh, yes, a headlamp! then i could also read in bed at night and nobody would know. hmm, i need to start saving my kibble again! thank u for the idea miss bludog!