Shake was one of the first tricks that Baxter ever learned when we adopted him. Something I suppose that all dogs must learn, and something he still does to this day with the all the endearing earnestness his little four year old body can muster.
I know in time that his soft little paws will give way to rough and gnarled pads, but even still, when he is old and I am older, the shake we share will always be special. A reminder of sorts, of all that is happy in the world.
Love. the. doxie. paw!
What a great photo! Our big ol' dog Willie knows how to shake, too. There's a video of him on my Mom's blog, here's a link if you haven't seen it:
Oh.... I have leaky eyes. What a beautiful post.
extra pawhugs to you today, Max
love that pic! agreed, 'shake' is almost a requirement for a dog who knows ANY tricks at all. Ramsay tends to be "right-pawed" when he shakes, but occasionally will bust out the left one to surprise us - mainly when he REALLY wants something. =)
hee hee, miss kerri, i must say i like my paws too, cuz, well i dunno what i would do without them! :)
hi miss taylor lynn! i love willie and his video. he seems like a gentle giant, the kind of big dog i need to be hanging around! checky checky me in my socks. not so dignified as willie!
aw thank u max! i hope u get lots of tuna today! :)
hee hee, mister docsdox, i kinda stick one paw out then the other if nobody is grabbin em. butchoo know what else mom makes me do for a proper handshake, especially when i am shaking a stranger's hand at the flea market? she makes me look. At them in the eyes, cuz, u know, a good handshake is like that. To show u r trustworthy or sumptin i think. :)
hee hee, good morning miss alicia!!
Be still my heart ... that handsome face and that chubby little paw! <3 <3 <3
Also, has Baxter thought about yoga? That kind of looks like his version of the Warrior pose, and he must be a champ at downward-facing dog! ;-)
Dear Baxter
You are so smart! I can't do shake :( My mom taught me but I don't seem to be able to learn it...But Mom says she loves me anyway...hee hee :)
Oh my gosh, those pink socks are great! ;) Thanks for the link, I wasn't following you back then, so I sadly missed it... I'm glad I'm following now, though! :D
Aww! I love your big chubby wubby paws!
This picture is now one of my favorites!
hee hee, thank u miss bludog. and someday i would like to try yoga cuz in addition to this move, mom says i do a swell kitty stretch!!
aw that's okay odie! most days i think the dogs who cannot do tricks and still get fed are the smartest ones of all!! :)
hee hee, me too miss taylor lynn!
why thank u miss mary anne! i even wish they were bigger so i could move more dirt when i dig!
and thank u miss whit! it is always so good to hear from my buddies. how u been? :) b
Very nice Sir. Baxter. You are quite the gentle man ;)
Oh, look at that endearing, eager face ~ what a great photo! :)
I love the picture! I tried to teach Milly to sit one time... oh goodness. It was hilarious. Needless to say, it didn't work and too many treats later Milly's belly was hurting.
Oh that earnest little face!! Baxter, I don't think my little darling Tristan will mind....but you're my little swoonsome doxie pin-up boy. You're just gorgeous xxx
I *love* all your photography!!!
oh thank u miss jordan and miss simply smitten!
hee hee hee! i think milly might be smarter than me - no work and all those snackies - how cool is that miss milshelb? :)
:) aw shucks miss ivy's mom. thank u! :)
thank u miss brittney! do u take pictures too?
OMG that is THE-CUTEST-DOXIE picture _ EVER.
hee hee thank u miss anne! soon it will be a card for my mom's etsy shop and i am so excited! btw my mom peeked at your website and loves your letterpress stuff! :)
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