stay out of my yard u buzzy bee! Baxter's woofing proclaimed in no uncertain terms.
bzzzzzz off, said the busy bee, hardly giving pause as he continued his day's work collecting pollen.
well if u will not leave, may u please show me at least where i can find some honey? bargained the little dachshund, his tummy now rumbly from such forceful exhortation.
bzzzzzzbee, the bee so seemingly and agreeably responded, still focused on collecting his daily pollen. bzzzz first, u must bring back a flower from the fabled singing tree peony that lives high in the mountains of bzzzzzlandia, and a blue leaf from the fluttering branches of the laughing farkovillea bush. only bzzzzzzen can i give u the answer to what it is you ask.
oh sure, okay. don't go anywhere mister bee. i might need to get duk duk to help me find this stuff but i am sure i will be back in just a few minutes with everything you want and then we can go find that honey!
And the little red dachshund happily scampered off on his new mission, while the busy bee busily buzzed about its business in the refreshing stillness of the day.
this is like a page from a children's book, lovely...
It's great when species work together... Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Did you find that stuff Baxter?? Did you get honey??
Paw hugs & licks,
Riley Mae
hee hee, thank u pretty nelli! i love your new harness by the way! it looks very very cool!! :)
yes maybe sometime we can work together max! :)
hee hee, miss riley mae, i am still lookin!!!! :o
What an adventure, Baxter! I hope that bee sticks around while you find all of that coolness.
OMG, I love his face!! Those puffy cheeks, I've seen that expression many times on my doxie, Jasper.
I just found your blog the other day, & it's now saved in my favorites so I can check it every day:)
Many cold puppy nose kisses,
Amy & Jasper
Louisville, KY
I'm with Amy here.. fantastic snap of mid "barkiness" LOVE it. :)
What a great photo!
Luv the Down Under Long Dogs
Evie, Quincy, Podge & Meah (while not a Dachsund, eats like one!)
Did you find it, Baxter??
I hope so!
Kisses and hugs
hee hee u know miss taylor lynn, that bee never did show me where the honey was, even after me n duk duk painted a peony from the front yard all gold and pulled a blue velvet leaf from one of mom's old hats. i guess he was on to us as much as we were on to him!
yippee! a new friend! hello miss amy n jasper. i see we both love to wear glasses and i love your coat color!! :)
hee hee oh thank u miss hannalei and miss amy. u know it is all luck of the draw but u know as much as i was barkin at that bee, mom was pretty much assured she was gonna get a shot like that!
hello mistermiss and this little dog and all your little dogs! i am so excited we met cuz me so love adding new doxie blogs to my blogroll! (and i love all your doggie names!!) :)
err um, well lorenza, lng story short, the bee did not accept what we presented him but well, we didn't exactly present him with what he asked for. so we both were full of beans! :)
Aw, that's too bad, Baxter. Better luck next time!
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