Sunday, May 29, 2011


Thunderstorms generally aren't much of a bother for the little kielbasa, but the sound of hail plinking against our windows was enough to cause tiny chumley's little eyebrows to furrow at such a strange event.  And so we spent the next few minutes in the bathroom, waiting for the storm to pass, til calm was restored and all that was left was a gentle rain.

There has been a lot of strange weather lately it seems, not just here but everywhere. Causing disturbances and testing our compassion like never before.  Which is why I think when I took this next picture of Baxter, I could tell exactly what my little superdog was thinking. 

please, no more tornadoes or tsunamis or earthquakes or hurricanes. 
and the warmest of hugs to all who have been affected.


M.A said...

Baxter, you guys stay safe ok? We share your prayers- it's been terrible weather-wise.

HH and The Boys said...

ditto.... perfect post!

pawhugs, Max

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
Crazy weather, right?
I hope you have a better day today!
Kisses and hugs

Alicia said...

We're with you, Baxter! Time to catch our breaths, help our neighbors and recover for awhile.
God willing!


PS We have the 13 year cicadas making a deafening buzz all day long, do you? We think they're fun and cute!

Anonymous said...

The weather's been crazy this year... I keep hearing about so many tornadoes... I second Baxter's prayer: the warmest of hugs to all who have been affected!

docsdox said...

AMEN to that, baxter! no more scary weather!
