dear diary,
wooty woot! not only did duk duk, lil pink puppy, chocobot and i have ourselves a gas of a good time yesterday catching up all the stuff that happened while i was gone, my mom gave me a little sumptin for being such a good traveler. and even though it was not a snackie i still think it was just as good if not even cooler cuz looky...

my very own tail bling!! and i know u know what had to happen next. that's right, it was time to get down with the natives and hold our very own xena warrior princess nakey nakey squirrel hunt! well, as nakey as mom would let me get because she says i must always wear my collar when i am outside no matter what. which, i kinda understand but the jingly tags so give me away when i am trying to sneak up on the squirrels, xena style, know what i mean?
anyhoo, me n duk duk are going to collect branches and twigs today so we can make spears and while we are doing that lil pink puppy n chocobot are going to see if they can stream a few xena princess warrior episodes on tv because none of us have really ever watched it and well u know if u are going to play xena princess warrior u really have to do it right, right? and i sure hope she had a one winged duk for a side kick otherwise me n duk duk might well have to flip a coin to see who will gets to play xena first. though i really think it should be me on account of my tail bling n all and seein's how his tail is plain too big to wear it. yeah buddy, that's whatchoo get for eatin all my snackies while i was gone!
b. :)
Ok me wants to know what your tail blingy is exactly? I mean I know he's a lil lizzi ... But I mean how is he staying on? :) I'm part crow you know me loves sparkly things.
hee hee well miss hannalei, mom says it is a stretchy elastic ring, u know meant for fingers? but seein's as how i only have toes methought my tail was the only thing that it would fit and lo and behold it did! u don't happen 2 know where i could get a loin cloth do u? :) b
woooohoooooo... tail blingy? great idea and very pretty on your tail. Your mom is one creative person. She has super powers in that area.
Have a good day. I know it's good to be home.
pawhugs, Max
Ooohhhh ---- We just don't know! In fact, we are ... speechless (or barkless as the case may be!)
Ike (being the most likely to wear bling with his red velvet "pimp" hat) thinks it's quite the thing!
Hey Baxter!!
I got an idea!! Maybe you can hide in the bushes with just your tail sticking out w/ your blingy on it & the squirrels might think it's just a stick with a sparkley bug on it! And when they come to investigate you can catch them!! Think it'll work??
Good luck on your squirrel hunt!
Ooh, I'm lovin' the tail bling, Baxter! I want a little gemstone gecko!
hee hee max, but nuttin like my hunting powers! i am xena, princess warrior pup!! :)
hee hee miss siol, u know what? ike probably does have a big enough tail to wear some blingy too! my mom has a glitzy purple rose - ooh even a red one that might just bling out that tail!! :o
oooh miss amy what a wonderful idea! though i am wondering what i might catch becuz mom says squirrels like nuts and well, what eats a lizard? cuz if it is a hawk i best not be putting out bait for it!
thank u miss taylor lynn! how are your chickens doing in all this heat?? :)
Well, Baxter, I think they're surviving. :) You'd better ask Jordan if you want more details, though, 'cause I'm not a huge chicken person... but she is. :)
Baxi ... loin cloths get in the way of boy bizzy wizzy's.
oic! i will have to ask her next time i see her miss taylor lynn! mom says she is not big on chickens either. they are kinda clucky.
miss hannalei, whatchoo talkin bout? cuz duk duk said u wear a loin cloth on your head like a hat. :)
Lol ~ fabulous idea! Your mom is a genius Baxter! :)
Nice Bling Baxter!
Good plan, Baxter. :) I don't mind chickens, but I don't hang out with them all the time... on the other hand, my sisters sometimes spend all afternoon with them. :) So yeah, you'd better ask Jordan! xD
Ooooh, sparkly! We LIKE!
The Road Dogs
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