Saturday, August 20, 2011

uncle squirrel (does not) want u

A busy but frustrating day for the little kielbasa yesterday. Squirrel war games between half a dozen of Baxter's backyard frenemies, the result of internal strife & turf defense, rocked the backyard tree tops for hours on end, all while the only thing tiny chumley could do is look high up into the treetops and dart about in hopes that the war would soon take to the ground.

 o mister squirrels, oh please why don't u come down and let me play in your war games too? i promise i won't eat uuuu....pleeeze?


Jasper + Amy said...

Oh Baxter, how I too want to play with the squirrel-ies in my yard, but they don't seem to want to play with me:( There are two in the tree out back that like to chase each other up & down & around the tree.... doesn't that sound like fun!?!?!


kalyxcorn said...

jasper, there were six yesterday in my yard! u could not believe how they were biting each other and stuff! it looked like so much fun!! :) b

Keren Hening said...

Merlin ATE a squirrel that was jumping from the fence to the tree and back! Yikes!