Sunday, October 30, 2011

the butt mohawk

A four legged passerby that lingered too long in the United States of Baxter proved too much for the little kielbasa to handle without sounding his alarm and raising his defenses yesterday morning.  Frenzied barking which from the outside I am sure just sounded like heckling.  The kind of heckling that probably says more about Baxter than it does anything else...

hey, who showed u how to pee like that with your leg all up in the air sprinklin my mailbox post? nobuddy pees up there! don'tchoo know how to squat like the rest of us civilized dogs?  and how come your mom didn't dress u up in a hoodie cuz i know it's cold out there.  yeah u better move on before i go out there and show u how to do your business right...

I looked at the pictures I took of Baxter's morning heckle and realized Baxter's hackles have come a long way in the 2.5 years since we started this blog.  Tiny chumley may still not be a menace 2 society, but it seems he has made significant progress in perfecting his butt mohawk. 

Watch out world, if u pass by his house, know that this dog and his butt mohawk are hecklin u. :)


docsdox said...

TEE-HEE! you go get 'em , Baxter!


HH and The Boys said...

I never heard that "butt mohawk" term before. It's very descriptive.... Yes, I'll be careful and will never sneak up on you, Baxter.

Have a great day when you finish heckling...

pawhugs, Max

A MilShelb Mom said...

hahaha! Butt mohawk!! Milly gets those, too!
~Milly and Shelby

kalyxcorn said...

yeah u know they walked away after seein me n my 'hawk! ramsay, max, n milly n shelby, i hope u r having a wonderful sunday!!

Jane said...

Yes Baxter, you are one fierce little "big" dog not to be messed with. If I was that passerby dog I would be glad that you didn't get to be let outside at that moment.

Jasper + Amy said...

Oh B, your butt mohawk is very impressive!! Jasper feels the way you do about the "lifting the leg thing" too, he also squats like a civilized dog:)

Have fun hecklin, B!!

SassySashadoxie said...

Sasha here. My big brother must not be civilized then cause he don't squat like me. But, he does get a butt mohawk when passerbyers go by. Except his is a bit more hairy cause he isn't a doxie. I prefer to do my barks from behind him. Why get my fur all messed up when his stands up way higher than mine. My conversations usually go like this:

"If you are friend, you are welcome to play, but if you are foe, by big brother will scare you away."

Baxter you does look like ou are doing a good job of pawtecting your property all by yourself.