Friday, October 14, 2011

kitty perch built for two

Two tuckered tushies spent a little quiet time on the kitty perch yesterday afternoon, recharging after a rather wakey wakey pupjama party night and happy bark-ophonous morning.

mom, can u please wake us up from our kitty naps if u see the snackie man and his truck coming?  i so want 2 get everybuddy some fresh n fishy pupcakes for our twister party 2nite! :)


Pretty Nelli said...

this is soooo cute...

SassySashadoxie said...

Aww, doxie tushies. What is it with peeps and our cute little tushies?

Oh, well, I wants to know how you get a snackie truck to come through your neighborhood. All we have is the trucks and peeps that trim the trees for the power company and if we are really lucky it might scare a squirrel down to our level to chase.

Hopes your mommy wakes you for the snackie man. Sasha.

HH and The Boys said...

sounds like you guys are having a great time. enjoy the weekend.

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u pretty nelli! :)

hello sasha! me dunno but i am so hoping he comes 2day! oh and u r so lucky that somebuddy comes n scares the squirrels out of the trees so u can play with them. our just stay up there and throw acorns at us sometimes!

you too max!! :) :)

pugfish said...

Great tushie shot!!