Friday, November 25, 2011

black friday

dear diary,
mom says 2day is black friday and although i really do not know what that means, it sure sounds scary and so methinks i will stay here at home, under this chair and under the protection of el salchicha himself.  well a picture of him anyway, bcuz mom had to put my luchador mask away bcuz, well, let's just say if u r thinking of going out in the middle of the night with your duk duk friends all nakey nakey to find some friends to lucha with, u might want to think twice.  or at least plan to not have your lucha mask for a while until u say u r sorry to the neighbor kitties for scaring them up a tree bcuz they had no idea who u were.

anyhoo, if u or someone u know seeks el salchicha's protection too and have the wall space to display him proudly, lucky 4 u all u have to do is visit my mom's etsy shop

well diary even though i would like to stay under this chair,  i must go now and help the duk duks pack because boo hoo they must go home today.  i sure hope they have a safe trip and can visit us again soon!

b. :)


SassySashadoxie said...

Sasha here. Not sure what black Friday is either. But, it can't be too bad when the pet store has good sales on Bobos.

My mom and me likes your mommy's shops a lot. Sasha.

docsdox said...

ditto on the black friday thing. mom is taking me out for rideys today b/c she said she has some black friday stuff to do. maybe she's afraid the black friday monster is gonna get me at home if she leaves me there! oh well, no sweat 'cuz i'm tired from chasing my human relatives around the house yesterday and telling each one of them how my day was going! i'll just sleep in my crate in the toasty car! =)


Jasper + Amy said...

Hiya Baxter!! Mom says she's skipping black friday too cause she used to work in retail for 13 years & she said that was plenty for her. :) But she is gonna shop your mom's etsy shop again soon to get some last minute Christmas stuff!!


kalyxcorn said...

bobos! a sale on bobos! where sasha? :)

hee hee i hear u about toasty car. me went 4 a long rideys 2day and baked all day!! :)

ooh where did ur mom work, jasper? at the pet store? bcuz that would be sooo cool!!! :)

Anonymous said...

My Mommy said she should have stayed home under the chair with you! She hit Wally World for their 10pm sale last night and was really upset when she got home. Said what she went for they only had 1 and there were like a gazillion people in line already.

Sorry to hear your friends and family are leaving you. You will be sad, but try to be a brave little soldier.

Off to take my before beddie nap now.

Hugs, Lily Belle

Jasper + Amy said...

Oh no Baxter, mom used to work at a bunch of different stores over the years, but never a pet store. She said to tell you that if she worked at a pet store she would have more doggies & animals than just me!! :)

HH and The Boys said...

Oh.... so sorry to hear the duk duks are leaving today. I know you will miss them.

We've avoided all that Black Friday stuff... Too scarey.....

pawhugs Max