Thursday, January 26, 2012

double posties: where the deer and the antelope p-p-play

Hee hee, the little kielbasa and duk duk have been hard at work designing and uploading new goodies for the etsy shop, and I couldn't wait to share a peek at three of them - a rootin tootin foofie producin sweet little cowboy birthday card (stink not included),  and two little magnets perfect to send include as happy gifty inserts.

ooo, mom, do u think we can rustle up some rawhide for lunch? cuz it's almost high noon!  :) :)


Jasper + Amy said...

I'm sending mom over to check out the shop now, I need one of those cowboy magnets to go in my "Baxter magnet collection"!!



Jane said...

Too cute Baxter! Going to have to order.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u miss amy n miss jane. i am still trying to convince duk duk he should be the lady tied up on the railroad tracks so me n chocobot can save him in the nick of time for u know, like a card like that, but noooo. somedukkie thinks we will not be fast enough and he already only has one wing and does not want to lose the other. i am pretty sure i could gnaw through the ropes. i think. :0