Friday, January 6, 2012


I love the little places that Baxter finds as his hiding spots when he realizes our separation doom is imminient. Shadowy areas without much clearance for coaxing hands.  The kind of spots that might be actually perfect if he would only remember that there is more of himself to hide than actually gets hidden.

mom, i was so quiet! how on earth did u find me and do i really have to stay at home??


Jasper + Amy said...

Poor Baxter, mom says that she hates to leave me as much as I hate to be left at home alone. She doesn't understand why other people can bring their human kids places & she can't bring me even though I'm her kid. She says I would be better behaved than most of them anyway:)


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean Baxter. When I was a pup and used pee pee pads I tended to lose track of where my rear end went. Who knew that it didn't count if only your front paws were on the pad? Mom tried to explain to me the importance of the 'business' end but it was kind of a head scratcher.

- Miss Dixie

docsdox said...

BOL! i dunno how they always find me when i hide! maybe you need some camo.

Dachshund Nola said...

Oh poor Baxter!
Dachshund Nola

Anonymous said...

Doesn't. It just break your heart. Baxter I hope your tussle is better. It probably will take a while for the hair to grow back.


SassySashadoxie said...

Yay, the rear gives me away a lot, too. Like getting into the empty dog food bag or the trash can. Mommy always finds me in there. But, I also have these annoying jingle tags around my neck so she knows where I is most of the time. Hope your Mommy comes back soon. I know my mommy won't be long cause she only crates be for long trips. But, I sure do let her know I am not happy about being crated when it is going to be a long trip. I think the neighbors across the river can hear my unhappiness, too. I have the hound dog howl down good.

Lorenza said...

It is not easy for us doxies to be full hidden, right?
Your face is adorable!
You should see mine when I am left alone! Haaa!
Kisses and hugs