Sunday, January 29, 2012

spring is in the air

I always wonder what it is that tiny chumley is trying to detect when he puts his snoot in the air and sniffs with dedicated intensity.  When it is obvious to nobody but him that something interesting is, was, or will be coming.  But with daffodils in some places almost ready to bloom, I have a feeling that yesterday's sniff, I know exactly what his nose was trying to confirm....

yippee! yep i think so mom cuz i can smell it - spring is just around the corner!! :)


steph said...

I always wonder this too! Charlie will just stop in the middle of running around to have a very deep intentional sniff of the air turning his head right and left. I hope your prediction is right Baxter! Have a great Sunday Funday!

Nancy D said...

I have read that smell is to a dog as sight is to humans. So when they sniff it's like going to a shopping mall or watching a parade.

Millie and Walter said...

My Nina sometimes stops what she is doing and stands for a long time with her snooter in the air. It can be difficult to snap her out of a sniffing session when she is supposed to be doing her business instead.


P.S. my secret word was trance! How appropriate.

HH and The Boys said...

Nothing smells better than spring... except maybe tuna fish.

Have a great day,

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

yes please, i would definitely change this snow and cold to a gentle spring.