Monday, March 26, 2012

shed a light on me

Tiny little red hairs have been speckling our floors lately, a sign of the little kielbasa was long overdue for a good brushing and grooming.  But no sooner than I finish did my tiny boyfriend show me what grooming truly meant to him.

oooo, we're grooming?  here mom, i'll show u how it's done!! :)


withlove_Jolie said...

He is so cute. I have been following you guys for a couple weeks now - just got a blogger account so I can comment.

Do you have a contact/email address?

My 5.5 year old smooth red/brown mini girl, Jolie, is having emergency IVDD surgery tomorrow to repair a few herniated/compressed discs in her L3-T3 region. Since tuesday of last week, she has gone almost completely paralyzed. The surgery is a fortune, so I, a struggling student, have set up a fund raising for her. The vet's initial estimate was $8000.

Do you ever dedicate a post to different doxies. I could email you some pictures of her - she looks very much like your boy.

Thank you, and if not anything else, please just keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Claire (

Jeanne said...

Oh, Baxter. Poe was just "grooming" herself this morning. When we all say "ewwwww" she gives us a look as if to say, "Right, you're just jealous." However, she knows that "grooming" herself leads swiftly and inexorably to tooth-brushing, and to a with-holding of kisses until said tooth-brushing is done!

kalyxcorn said...

hello miss claire - my heart goes out to u and your pup and my mom wanted me to tell u she emailed u. :)

oooh, miss jeanne, if after every time i did that i got my teeth brushed, i would not stop doing it - ever! i love my poultry flavored toothpaste!!

Lovable Lily said...

Hey B, you sure got that right! Everyone deserves a good nappie after their spa treatment.

You're as handsome as always!

Lily Belle

P.S. We're keeping our paws crossed for Jolie (comment above) that she has a successful surgery!

Whit said...

Always a good nibble and lick to get things just right , huh Baxter?

And to Claire--- best of luck with your girl Jolie! Milo had back surgery 2 years ago next month and has been doing well since! If you haven't already - check out Dodgerslist and maybe this website can help you out with finances...

Milo's and my thoughts will be with your little girl!

Hannalei said...

Oooh where did your Mommy find that wee brushy?

M.A said...

Bax- me likey your shiny coat! What is that green thing that your mom is using to brush you?

And Claire- I so feel for you. Our little boy Kona just had emergency surgery for IVDD 2 weeks ago and is recovering right now. He is doing remarkably well. It was so costly and needless to say, we don't really have the kind of money to be paying for a $7,500 surgery. But you know what, we are so glad that we made the choice to get him surgery. We will be paying it off for a long time but it will be so worth it. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Best of luck with Jolie's surgery.

K9 Katastrophie said...



K-Koira said...

Adorable. My dogs will sometimes do that chewing to my arm when I am scratching or grooming them, and man, it hurts. I guess they know just how hard to scissor bite themselves though.