Tuesday, June 26, 2012

evening walkie

Even after coolness starts to take back the evening, it's still a pretty warm walkie for all of us this time of year, but especially so for the little kielbasa,  who still wouldn't trade his walkies for anything, outside maybe an actual bonafide opportunity to get medieval on all those cwazy wabbits that we encounter just beyond his reach.

mom, i know we are back home and  my tongue is practically dragging on the ground and there are mosquitoes everywhere but can we please stay out in the front yard for a while? i smell bunnnnieeees!!


Lovable Lily said...

You're looking mighty dapper there Baxter with your most handsome harness and your long doxie tongue hanging out.

We're having bootiful weather here in NY today and cuz it's nice and cool and only going to a high of 70 today I think we're going to the park for some sniffin and play time.

Lily Belle

CASSIE said...

It was 104 here yesterday. Today is going to be much the same, except we will be having pool time!
Stay cool, Mr. B!

Lorenza said...

You look like you were on a mission, Baxter!
Here is very hot too, but I never miss a walkie.... even a super short one!
Kisses and hugs

HH and The Boys said...

I love that orange dud... Very cheery.

pawhugs, max