Friday, July 27, 2012

the other white meat

Tiny chumley was thoroughly enjoying his late afternoon nap yesterday, roasting nicely and blissfully unaware of the descending sun's efforts to make him comically look like a trussed up little piggy, ten times more sausagey and humpy than he really is.

whatchoo laughing at mom? did i miss sumptin? hey, do u smell bacon? i smell bacon. mmmm, bacon. :)


Lovable Lily said...

Is that really you Baxter?

You're Mommy sure got a great picture!

Lily Belle
p.s. Yes, I think I smell bacon too!

Jane said...

Baxter, you sure do look like a little plump piggy but sooooo cute!! I can tell you are enjoying your nap.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee yes lily belle and thank you! i wish there were some way i could have some of that bacon without it, u know, being me.

oh miss jane, mom says i always plump out in the sun, just like a ball park frank! and thank you, the nap was very nice. :)