Tuesday, August 7, 2012

happy quiet playtime

Tiny chumley clearly needed something to do while I worked on a certain someone's special little dapper doxie dud, and so out came his antler and one very deflated mister squirrel toyfriend, both of which called to the little kielbasa's inner wolf when combined into one crunchyriffic challenge.

ooo, mom, did u hear that? sorry i cannot help u any more -  if i work at this long enough, i might just get to the bone crunchy center after all! 
arooooooo! :)


Bludog said...

Mr. Squirrel is having a "ruff" day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mister B-- you are so lucky!!! Otto saw the dentist yesterday (thankfully no root canal needed but he did get a filling!) and was told that he could no longer have any antlers :( Hooves and bully (?) sticks are okay, though. Looks like I'll be stopping off at the doggie pet store today!


Lovable Lily said...

Oh No! Mommy lost her bestest helper?? I bet she's crying right about now....

Butt, she's gotta understand the importance things in life ~ stuffies and bones.

Lily Belle & Muffin

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, miss bludog, mister squirrel is having a holey day if u know what i mean!

yippee! no root canal! mom says after she heard about otto she does not let me play with the antler very long but lucky for me i do not chomp on it very hard.

hee hee i hope she understands lily belle. It's all about the bones n bunnies. :)