Wednesday, August 22, 2012

hippo critical

"Although it is not always necessary to leave the scene of an incident, so as to minimize the detection, good assassin must always be quick and eviscerate the target with the utmost of tidiness and precision."

- excerpted from the long overdue library book, So You Want to Be a Sausage Dog Mercenary.


AMY ANN said...

We didn't get that memo. We always get caught. Maybe the body parts thrown around has been giving us away.

Anonymous said...

Ruh roh . . .


- Hildy

ShellePenn said...

This made mom LOL!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Lovable Lily said...

Great job Baxter! We love it when you're in stealth mode.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Lorenza said...

You are a master Baxter!
Kisses and hugs