Thursday, October 25, 2012

baxter & duk duk's haunted spooky stories: the bowl

Once upon a morning dreary, sleepy, hungry and awful weary,
did the little dog come greeting,  hopeful to be eating.
"rumbly is my tumbly," he stated nice and humbly,
"perhaps a little something to sate me, evermore?"

And much to his delight, a mysterious bowl appeared in morning light,
deep and wide, and full of what he hoped would be rawhide.

"oh glee, oh joy, o happy day, tis truly a time to skip school and play,"
quoth the dachshund , "and even wii some more!"

A bowl so deep and full of promise, he trembled as he got closer, closer to his holy grail. 

"snackies for all, i do declare, come one come all, there's plenty to share!"
quoth the dachshund, "and we can even wii some more!"
Into the bowl he did peer, sniffing, drooling, and full of cheer.
Yet little ears, once so perky, folded back like chicken jerky.

"hey there's no rawhide in here, not even a schmear!", quoth the dachshund, ever so bummed.
"in fact it's empty, empty like a hollow drum."

And this where our story turned, and for all hopeful dogs, lesson learned.
"goto school in the morning, goto school in the morning" quoth the dachshund, "and never wii some more."


Lovable Lily said...

What a great poem today Baxter. You is pretty clever thinking up all those versus. And your bowl just add's to the story.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Jane said...

A cute poem! I was hoping your bowl would be full of snackies!!

kalyxcorn said...

thank u lily belle!

and me too but u know, it would not be very scary then. what u r going to dress up as for halloween this year? :)