Saturday, October 13, 2012

my friend the sun

Even though the little kielbasa's heater friend george has been blowing warm gentle breezes off and on for a week now, tiny chumley still isn't ready to give up his time in the sun.  And today I think is a perfect day to join him. :)


Lovable Lily said...

We know the feeling Baxter! We love to lay in the afternoon sun especially on these cold, cold days. This morning it was 29 outside when we woke up.

Love your yellow sweater!

Lily Belle & Muffin

kalyxcorn said...

ay yi yi - now THAT's cold! it was only, well, i dunno here, but 29? that's like move to the equator weather!! :)

Teddy said...

I'm with you! Sun beats heater. But Lady says it is 95 degrees now where we are moving. It is only 60 where I am now, and 39 at night.