Monday, October 29, 2012

poopienormal activity: the rise of frankenflop

Having saved and saved and saved their keeps from toyfriend club, two little boys were very disappointed with the weather this past weekend before, hoping as they did to harness some thunder and lightning for what surely was going to be a most spooky and spectacular toyfriend reanimation Halloween extravaganza.

ooo! duk duk didjoo see that? i think i saw something move! guess that was just the wind blowing... wait, didjoo - no, my bad, my goggles slipped.... no, no, wait this time i think i really see...nope, (sigh) that was just my reflection...okay, next year maybe we should plan ahead and ask mom if we can borrow her car battery or at least we should remember to ask santa for one of those lightning ball thingies thatchoo always see in all the best laboratories because i am pretty sure we are gonna need a plan b for the theme of our night of the reanimated toyfriends halloween party this year....


Lovable Lily said...

Oh Baxter, I'm going to start saving my bones so that I can buy you one of those lightning ball thingies that you so badly want and need for your laboratory. I just think you are the cutest mad scientist.

Lily Belle

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u lily belle! :)