Sunday, November 25, 2012

meet u at the drive thru, santa

My dad's bypass surgery will probably be at the back half of this coming week or early next, so there is a lot of doing to pack in while I am home these next few days, like prepping things so big boyfriend can manage etsy orders, taking care of meals, spending quality time as a pack, and yes, fitting in a little holiday fun wherever we can, even if a certain little someone prefers the cozy comfort of his little happy snoozer.

what - we are going to visit santa?  now?  but mom, it's like forty-five degrees out. and in person he is so hairy scar- i mean, it's forty five degrees out. it's so nice n roasty toasty here in the car. doesn't santa have drive thru or sumptin this year?? 


Jessica @ YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner said...

I hope your Dad's surgery goes well. Chester and Gretel have a Snoozer seat and they love it! It was under 45 degrees when I made them get out of it last time. We went hiking in the snow and it was a little under 40 :)

Lovable Lily said...

We too are still praying for your Dad and that all goes extremely well with his pending surgery.

Hey, we gots the same booster seat as you Baxter!

We've not seen hide nor hair of Santa yet here in Florida. Mommy said she's going to call the pet store to see if he will be arrive there sometime in the near future. I sure hope so because I wanna tell him what's on my list this year.

Lily Belle

Jane said...

Baxter, did you get to see Santa? Show us your pic if you did. If you got too scared I am sure a letter will do.
Baxter's Mom - Wishing you only the best for your dad. I know it is hard on everyone right now.