Saturday, January 12, 2013


Tiny chumley has been a little cuddlebug lately, but I gather this weekend with expected temps in the 70s, we'll be getting an early peek at mister butterfly himself, flitting about in the backyard and sniffing at the leaves,  and making many, many new holes.

really?  can i?  u know, dig, and...not have to take a bath?  because technically it is still winter and technically i should get not be getting very many baths this time of year and maybe if i find a puddle to walk through then technically all the dirt would just, u know, wash itself off and then technically i could be, well, u know, clean!  :)


Lovable Lily said...

Hi Baxter,
I agree with you 100%. Walking and jumping in puddles DOES constitute as a bath and therefore, no bathtub required. So if you need any backup on the subject, you just give me a call and I'll be happy to talk to your Mom about it.

Lily Belle

Heidi + Gretchen's Dad said...

Baxter: Your mom knows best... Technically.