Tuesday, January 29, 2013

weather forecast

Hee hee, the forecast here at the motel park n bark today? Why sunshine and snackies of course! :)


Anonymous said...

like two happy peas in a pot!
have fun with your pretty guest,baxter
anni,the foxbrothermomma

Anonymous said...

You are both so, so cute :)

Jeanne said...

Hee hee hee, Lulu looks like she could be your long-lost, long-haired sister!

kalyxcorn said...

i did and thank u anni!

hee hee thank u pretty nelli! i hope u and your mom are doing very well!

well miss jeanne, mom thinks me and lulu are tummy siblings because both of ours are so bottomless! :)

Pia said...

you are the sweetest couple EVER!!!

we love the stories about you both.
