Thursday, May 2, 2013

etsy fresh: pip pip congratulations graduation card

Well ello ello ello! It's me, Baxter Enrique Longfoofieshanks,  esquire,  here speaking to yous in me best British accent because oi wants to tell you and all me mates about a very special card that oi've just put in me mum's Etsy shop.  It's a congratulations card, but not just any congratulations card, mind you, but one for very special occasions.  The kind that can make a fella or a loidy want to shout, "Gadzooks, you did it -  that's absolutely fabulous! egad and pip pip ol man (or girl)! and you even managed without the aid of a lucky unicorn. i'm over the moon!" Only you see, as an aspiring British gentleman, oi came across a word for that that Brits use all the time, and it's "brilliant".  Which is wonderful because oi didn't really have enough space on the front of the card to say all that.   So anyhoos, oi hope you enjoy this card or can think of someone ooo might, loik say a recent graduate from school or someone ooo just made an addition to their family, or maybe that special someone ooo just moide their longest poopie snoike ever.  All these occasions and more, all deserving of a nice pat on the head and a big big "well done!".   Well, that's all for now cuz oi think it's time to do a little celebratin fer me own, roit? Ave a good day me mates! :) 

clicky clicky if u wanty wanty -->