Friday, August 30, 2013

video cuteness: zoom zoom zoom

Into every dirty little boy's life a little purple flower stink must fall, but lucky for him,  there are ways of zooming it all off. :)

mom, next time i have to take a bath, how bout we maybe skip the purple flower stuff and go straight to the zooming? i think i can run fast enough to get clean, dontchoo?


Anonymous said...

Hildy has the zooms after each bath too!!



Anonymous said...

Penny zooms and slides on her face. What fun. If its raining and she gets a drop of water on her you would think she had cooties. Oops she a she, I guess she does have cooties. Cute cooties though.


Anonymous said...

Wow - this could be Ike and Otto, too, except they usually stop long enough to rub themselves on their beds and blankies to try to get some of that hound dog smell back!
