Wednesday, November 6, 2013

me likey dat: my new toyfriend box

Some little messy boy got a bigger toyfriend box yesterday, and although it's fine for rooting around in, sometimes asking him to put back his toys properly requires a bit of a warm up. :)


Anonymous said...

Baxter you are so cool and adorable! You make my day everyday!!

Lovable Lily said...

Hey Baxter, you're making the rest of us look bad! We only know how to take the toy's out of the box.

Lily Belle & Muffin

p.s. Mommy wants to know how to find the Doxie "trinket" boxes in your Mom's ETSY shop.

Anonymous said...

Wow Baxter, love that paw action when you are putting the toys back. So smart! Wishy likes to line her stuffed badgers up in front of her food and water bowls!

Dawn and Wishy

Bludog said...

So smart and tidy!!!

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u mistermiss anonymous! :)

well lilybelle, they usually do not last long in the shop but when they are there they are usually their own section. if u have facebooky or twitter u can find out usually when i put them there because i send out a dooty doot!

wow wishy is so lucky miss dawn. enough badgers to line them up n everything!!

hee hee miss bludog, only when i gotta be. :)

Meredith said...

Wow Baxter, do you give lessons? My Dexter and Lilly could learn a thing or two. We find toyfriends lying everywhere!

Lovable Lily said...

Unfortunately Mommy doesn't have FB or use the Twit either. We'd really like to purchase one for a Christmas gift. We'll just have to keep an eye on your shop.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

I do believe that this film is shown in REVERSE! No dachsie puts his toys in a box!!!!
