Tuesday, April 1, 2014

april schooled

hmmm...hmmmm..nope, duk duk, i think it will be funny! 

oooh - shush shush shushy shush! i hear her coming! no, we should totally do it. you'll see! shh shh shh!

hee hee, hi mom! me and duk duk were just thinkin, well, u know, that we'd like to take a bath today! u know, with purple flower stink stuff n everything! :) :)

(sigh)..u were right, duk duk. mom does not understand april fools' day jokes at all...


Lizzy said...

Oh you guys. Too cute for words.

Lovable Lily said...

Hey Baxter, we think the only one enjoying your April Fool's joke is your rubber ducky!

Happy April furends,
Lily Belle & Muffin