Saturday, May 24, 2014

plank roasted

tiny chumley decided to roast himself like a little piggy on the planks of our sun warmed deck yesterday morning, plopping himself down and claiming his spot much like he does when he is in our bed, oozing into place and securing himself so mysteriously well that it took me more than one uncouthy grunt to roll him back on all fours and shoo him back inside, before the mosquitoes found him and made his sausagey body their daily feast.

sheesh mom okay okay, but when we go back inside, may we please make some ez pz frozen puppy pops? :) :)

And of course, the answer was what it should be. :)


Taffy said...

Oh, that brought back instant memories of Twix! Baxter, you make sure and get lots of tummy tans this summer. Also, how lucky you are to get those tasty pops!