now remember, mom, we have to do this fast because i am drying off very quickly and everything will not stay unless my fur is wet first. so ready? okay.
hee hee hee, harder, mom, harder!
oy, (ptoo) fur everywhere.
okay now let go, and take the picture so i can show the kids at school.
hee hee, watch out world, there's a new wirehaired wolf in town!
Baxter is cute no matter how he combs his hair or what he wears. However, I love his wirehair look!
Next he will want gel to spike his hair! Love you Baxter!
Teenagers! Next he'll be wanting to pierce an ear and dye green spikes. Still a doll baby!
hee hee thank u miss klaus's mom and miss kathleen and miss tubb's and Tessa's mom. i still wish i could figure out how to make it long long! !:)
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