Monday, July 14, 2014

i can do anything :)

The unbridled optimism that every doxie seems to possess is one of the many traits that I find endearing.  Although their extruded little bodies and shortened stubby legs often leave them challenged under circumstances which would otherwise be easy for dogs of normal stature, our tiny wolves persist, resourcefully finding ways to get the job done as only a dachshund can.  Particularly, I suppose, when it comes to matters of filling their happy little rumbly tummies.

hee hee, mom, no need to check on me.  i was just going to, well, i was just going to u know..okay, well, mom, did u forget to give me this snackie because i smelled it all the way over from there and i saw that u were busy and i thought, well, rather than bothering u...well, i just thought i could, u know, parkour over and help myself.  :)