Friday, August 8, 2014


well, u see, mister officer, it was just easier this way because my dad and I are going to the chikky fil a, and I know the shortcut but he does not because me and my toyfriend duk duk pedal there after school a lot and when u have a pedal car u totally have to take advantage of the shortcuts otherwise u will get really tired and sweaty and then when u get there they will not let u go in the bouncy house. and so, anyway, the route is kind of visually unmarked so u have to follow the scent marks we left,  only they are not very strong because well, u know, summer vacation, and so u have to have a really good sniffer to sniff things out and so yeah, that is why we have our windows down and that is why I am steering. did u, maybe, well, would u like to come with us? if we are lucky maybe big Bessie will be there and then we can all get crayons and everything!! :) :)


Lovable Lily said...

Sure hope the PoPo didn't give you a ticket!

Lily Belle & Muffin

kalyxcorn said...

thankfully not lily belle! :)