Friday, November 21, 2014

little boxes

With all the clashing and crashing noises going on around him, tiny chumley couldn't help but venture out from his heat cave yesterday to see what was up. I was stacking my thrift store score of old and unwanted cookie tins, an eleventh hour find to support my eleventh hour ideas for things that will most definitely turn into weenielicious wooty for the etsy hop.   Our weekend, as you might guess, will be super makey busy.   I can only hope that your weekend will be just as much fun :)

have a super weekend my friends and guess what - all the while mom is working with metal this weekend, me and duk duk will be putting our teeny tiny christmas book together so stay tuney tuned because we are also in charge of the ornament for this year and well, just u wait and see!! #supercoolchristmas2014 :)


Bludog said...

I do love holiday tins - but I fill them with fudge, rather than cutting them up to makey makey!

Teddy said...

If Lady leaves a stack, I will knock it over. Makes a scary noise though.

kalyxcorn said...

mmm world famous miss bludog fudge. #memories

hee hee, i bet it is a scary noise!! :)