Wednesday, December 10, 2014

still coming pretty soon

Still busy getting things together for what I think will now probably be either a very late Wednesday night or possibly Thursday's night listing of ornaments (sorry so flaky but tiny chumley's birhday is also coming up and hoping to make him a little sumptin sumptin too tomorrow). So today just a teeny behind the scenes peek at part of my workspace when it was actually less messy than it is now, and a pic of one of the later stages of the ornament making process. And of course a picture of a little certain someone who is more than ready and waiting to send out the super doot doot dooty doot.  :)


Bludog said...

I believe I'm familiar with that apparatus!

Anonymous said...

I guess it helps that Baxter has short arms so he doesn't get caught in the pinch points on that press brake. :-)

TheTucsonTrio said...

watch your tail Baxter! (I thought my sewing room was a mess - sheesh! :) )