Wednesday, January 14, 2015

scenes from the playground :)

oooh, dad!  while we are waiting for duk duk to finish catching up with his cousins at the lake, may we please stop by the playground and see if the dinosaur is free??

yess! i cannot believe how luckee we are - finally nobuddy is hogging him! 

what was that, dad? oh, yes, that is probably a good idea.  when u text him, just tell him to meet us on the playground and say it is really busy. do not say anything about the dinosaur, it will be a surprise!



hee hee - choo choo! rawwwr! choo choo!...choo choo! choo choo!...

sheesh! duk duk should be here by now.  i bet that stinky rat stopped by the boathouse and got some gummy worms without me.  he better save me some cuz once he sees what i've reserved fot us, he's gonna owe me that plus..uh oh, big dog at ten o'clock headed right this..


uh, nope, sorry this dinosaur is taken.  besides, there is only enough room left for a duk and u r like, eleventy times bigger than me. the big dog playground is over there by the lake. yeah, yeah no worries...

..poopie breath.  

oh hey, if u see a one winged duk eating gummy worms, can u please tell him to hurry up???


Unknown said...

Oh Baxter, you are too funny!