whoa whoa! okay cassie i will show u how 2 do it right but u have GOT 2 stand over there, no exceptions.

more...more..more..okay that's good.
okay so. three things. one - all legs firm on the ground like this. but that does not mean u cannot b creative. for special angles or to achieve shading effects, u might try putting a paw on a rock or a tree root, or even a turtle if u r lucky enough to find one this time of year.
two - lean in. if u r in it 2 win it then u must take your time and if u have to take your time then u must get comfortable. otherwise it's just dribbles everywhere.
three - i sort of mentioned it in two but it deserves its own talking point. take your time. don't just pee it all out as fast as u can because then u just melt a hole in the snow.
okay that's all i've got time 4 because i told duk duk we would meet him by the frozen creek so, yeah, good luck with all that and please tell little miss julia i hope her leg feels better.
bye little miss sarah!
doop bee doo, doop bee doo, doop bee doo...yep this weather sure is exhilarating! i can see why a ferocious wolf likes to walk in this stuff. so fluffy and white and minty fresh! i mean, if cassie can do it, then i sure can cuz i even have a coat. i mean, it's not blue puffy jacket like dad's but still, i have my sweater and my fur and yep, yessiree, walking in this snow sure is fun. i could do it, like, all day lo- what? gone? r u sure sure mom?
last one home is a rotten poopie snake!! :) :)
In the last photo you look like you are flying! And who wants to be a poopie snake anyway!
hee hee yep marley better 2 smell a poopie snake than b one! :)
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