Friday, May 22, 2015

friday night lights

..hee hee, first let me say, pato pato, i am so glad u and anka anka could come visit us this weekend! and that's right, since none of us have our blindfolds with us, duk duk and anka anka will go first and we will have 2 guess what they ate. if we both get it right then they have 2 give us each a gummy worm and we get another turn.  if we get it wrong, then we will have to give them each a gummy worm and it is their turn to guess.  the team who gets the first threeve consecutive answers correct before mom tells us to stop wins.  if mom tells us to stop before either team reaches the goal then the game is a draw and we follow secret rendezvous protocol number alpha tango ocho to meet at the new location to start a new game.  if a player runs out of foofie, he can call on his teammate to substitute for him.  if both team members fail to produce a foofie within the agreed upon sixty miss-a-poopie time limit, then the other team gets to decide whether or not the empty team's time limit can be extended, and if so, the other team also gets to decide the means by which they can earn the extension. if the other team decides against time extension, then the empty team must fork over 1.5 gummy worms for each loss on their next turn.  and, if at any time a poopie shows up, the pooping team must collect it, categorize it, seal it carefully, and donate it to our impressive poopie museum. and then game immediately goes into spin and speed overdrive, which needless to say, involves spinning and speeding.  any questions? :)


Anonymous said...

I am impressed with your very detailed rules for your foofie game. Your game must be a spinoff from the more common version of "smelling bootie-butt".

Here's hoping you and your mom and dad have a happy Memorial Day weekend.

Little Klaus's Mom

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u and, well actually, it is a spinoff of guess whose foofie game where everybuddy wears eye masks so u have 2 guess whose foofie u r smelling. but since nobuddy had their masks, well, we had 2 improvise :) happy memorial day miss little klaus's mom! :)

Nat said...

Baxter, please write a book. Everybody would love it!! You make me laugh every day!!!