Monday, November 16, 2015

find and go snackie :)

Let's face it, we do have a lot of trees in our backyard.  It's not something that stays in the forefront of my consciousness until the leaves start falling, when, as if the trees have all colluded on a plan, they drop their leaves, tree by tree, day by day, minute by minute, erasing all evidence of raking that in some cases happened only moments before.

Tiny chumley, for one, is happy to see the leaves fall.  Not so much for the ones that brush against his tushie come time to do a poopie in favorite spots in the yard, but for the ones on the deck that I rake into a pile and sprinkle with his lunch kibble, giving him the opportunity to forage like a happy go lucky little piglet in search of truffle gold. 

oo mom I found another one ! can we do this every day please? :) 



Nat said...

Oh I love this. He's so happy!! When we are out on our nightly walks, my boy Elliott always gets a little more bounce in his step when he encounters a section of sidewalk that has freshly fallen leaves.

Anonymous said...

Nothin' like a good hunt to hone those wolfie senses! Wally & B

kalyxcorn said...

why hello miss nat and wally and b! i like 2 smell the leaf piles on my walkies cuz pretty much everybuddy pees on those piles but me. so there is a lot to discover. :)