Monday, May 2, 2016

laser light saber therapy: return of the stink eye

dear diary, 
my laser light saber training has gone very well and quite frankly i am not certain why it took luke skywalker like forever plus the loss of his hand before he became a Jedi. I just finished my third laser treatment this past Sunday and already I feel the force coursing through my body in such an abundance that I can hardly contain myself. which maybe explains why mom opened the window, come to think of it. and why it is still open. becaus, well sometimes when u r supercharged with the force, the force just squeaks out of u even when u r sleeping, if u know what I mean.  

anyhoo, after my Jedi session, it was time to go back to jail and so me and duk duk spent the afternoon playing with graphics on one of the pictures mom took so we could send it to Doctor miss Erin after we finished. today I thought I would show u a progression of the design work we did and if u squint at the tiny pictures u can see how we added and tweaked certain very simple elements to create an asymmetric image that still feels very balanced, fresh, and appropriate for the subject matter at hand. u know, in a red lines are lasers kapow pow ping ping pew pew sort of way. well within reason bc when we added even more lines it just started 2 look like string art so we scaled it back a little. . 

okay so right now my tummy says I have to work on my mind manipulation skills so for now I bid u a fond..

b :)

ps - in case u did not know what I mean, laser therapy does not give u gas. but the incredibly tiny and delicious salmon flavored snackie bits your mom gives u to stay still while u r getting Jedi laser light saber therapy in your yellow duckie bun crate bed just might :)


Anonymous said...

We are hoping you are doing better. Little Klaus thinks the protective goggles make you look like Darth Vader. I agree!

May the Force be with you, Baxter!

Little Klaus and his Mom