...uh huh. uh huh. oh, i see. so u mean like a jelly donut that's oozing jelly, right? only instead of oozing all over the table, the jelly is kind of oozing on my spinal cord and that can press on my nerves and that is what is causing my pain probably. and there is no peanut butter involved at all, right?..no peanut butter...but a lot of pain...okay. yes, i see, special mister doctor tushie man. thank u for drawing it for me that was very helpful...

and...u r sure my diagnosis has nothing 2 do with my not wanting to take a snackie from u, right? because honestly it smelled delicious but when i was little, my mom taught me not to take snackies from strangers and seriously, we have only just met...
...and, that whole thing where i was too distracted to listen to mom when u wanted to see how far i would move my head so u asked for my leash and i turned on my super duper deluxe nobuddys-taking-me- anywhere electromagnets? u did not take that personally, right? like, that has nothing to do with what u r saying either, right special mister doctor tushie man?
..mm-hmm. okay i see...

and...so, we will schedule my preanesthesia x-ray and blood work in a few weeks to make sure i can have the MRI so we can see what's what and really decide from there what to do. and in the meanwhile, i can probably still go to school when it starts, and i can go for simple walkies around the block and stuff like that. just no running, or jumping, or toyfriend club, or any general displays of ferocious wolfiness of any sort...
well...yeah.... i guess that all sounds doable...
Sounds like you've found a good doc B. Hoping for the best.
Oh geez Baxter.... not you too! We sure hope that the MRI finds the cause of your pain & that not too many discs are involved. We're sending you love & lots of prayers.
Lily Belle and Muffin
We love you B and are sending lots of love and prayers your way!! We hope that the MRI will not be too scary and that will give you good news. And tell duk duk that your gummy worms are off limits!! Lol.
Sorry to read that you are having back troubles Baxter. We have our paws crossed for you.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh, little Baxter, we send a kiss and a gentle hug to you in hopes that the doctor tushie man can mend you.
May the force be with you, little wolfie!
Little Klaus' Mom
Oh Mr. B I am so sorry. Darn these ol' Dachsie backs. You must behave and do what the Dr. says and be very very careful. For Mom. My tears can't fix anything but know I'll be thinking of you and wishing only good news. Hopefully because you have been proactive it will pay off. I know your heart aches but know we all stand behind you in support and love. There's a mighty sausage army out there. I've seen it on Instagram. Remember when Joey of TLASOIA, was sick and all who cared. We will be wishing and waiting. We love you Mr. B. !!
Hi Baxter, I was really hoping you were getting better resting quietly at home, but now I see you had to go to a specialist. You seemed to listened well at what he told you and your mom and dad. I know you will be brave but I don't like one bit hearing this. Please get better and sending prayers.
Hi Baxter - Listen to your Mom and Dad and to the specialist and do what they say. Ike and Otto will be keeping their paws crossed and we will all be keeping you in our thoughts!
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