Wednesday, October 12, 2016


whoa duk duk, u were right. the air has been clearing for hours now and i am still dizzy! maybe next time we should really listen to mom and not play guess whose foofie inside anymore.  at least when we both have been preparing for days. that touch of stinky fermented tofu was pure genius by the way. i bet it tasted horrible but the effect was so worth it! i wonder how we will ever hang on..

mom, may me and duk duk please borrow your credit card and order some surströmming, i mean, may we please order something important from amazon? we promise we will pay u back :) 


Anonymous said...

I sure am glad that little Klaus' favorite friend is "Mr. Giggle" a Wobble Wag Giggle Dog Toy. You and duk duk sure get into stinky mischief.

Little Klaus' Mom

JillScoggins said...

Maybe also get some haggis and boudin to go with your surstromming - what splendiferous foofie cloud that would make!