whoa, duk duk, i think u r right. it is one thing when your natural wolfy instincts take over and, well, u know, things happen. but it is entirely another thing when u have to, well, u know, with the scissors..and the cutting... and the science n stuff...
i mean, i know he is a zombie so he will not feel anything, but he looks so real still. and i know when we were at the thrifty store we we all like, yeah this will be so cool and macabre and slightly ironic but not in a hipster way because, well for one thing, way more ferocious. but now that we actually have to do it, well...

okay duk duk, u win. u and chocobot go ask mom if she can help us get the major work done, and in the meanwhile we will clear the area and get ready for the procedure. and hurry because...
oh, hi mom. wow that was fast. um, yeah, so i think duk duk and chocobot filled u in on what we need right? snip snap, snip snip, snip snap. snip. and then we can take it from there. right? okay. if u need us or have any questions, we will be right here.
hee hee, do not worry this will all be over in a jiffy and not only will u have a name but we will rebuild u stronger and better than before. :)
Tuffystein? will await the message "He lives!"
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