Friday, December 1, 2017

wolfy wolferstein, PgMP®

hee hee, yes please, mom, i would like to see...o snap. i guess u do still have a lot of finish work to do, mom. when me and duk duk were developing our doot schedule, i guess we were only thinking about the number of sets we wanted u to make and not the number of individual items u would have to spend time on.

and i see how pretty they are and we certainly would not want to rush u..

okeky dokey, i agree. let's move the doot date for our ornaments from monday 12/4 to saturday 12/9 at nine pm est and i will tell duk duk so we can update the first video we made and post it to instygram and facebooky.

u know, this schedule change works out really well really because it hopefully gives me and duk duk more time so we can make a second ornament video. because the first one was meant to be a teaser . u know, kind of like so when people see it, they would be like, ooooOOOOoooooooOOOooo - did u see that? i think i saw the legs move and i know i saw the tail move and i wonder what the rest of it looks like and haw haw haw didjoo see the size of the poopie plop it made??

pfweeeOoooOoop!) um, mom, u are still wearing your gas mask, arentchoo? :)