um, well, i guess u could say me and duk duk are still here at home and not in school because, well...because today is a school holiday. for, um, just wolves and falcons. and we forgot 2 tell u because...well, because it is a really new school policy that they only decided yesterday. u know, just to give the kids a break from all that ferociousness. for our spiderman ps4 game and gummy worm super mega pantry order that was just delivered, it is just a coincidence, really. because me and duk duk were just getting ready to ask u if we could help u with chores today. u know, because we are home and all. well, i mean we can start helping just after duk duk comes back from wherever he went which i am sure has nothing to do with anything really. so, um, yeppies, that is pretty much it. can i get u some monkey chow tea or anything? :)

Hi Baxter, I am wondering if Mom believed your story. It sounded real to me. :)
I dunno, Baxter, u look a wee bit guilty to me...
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