hee hee, thanks, mom for making my birthday crown again this year.

it is exactly what me and duk duk wanted, really, what with it being one part supercool, one part where the wild stinks are, and like, eleventy parts ferocious. and it is the kind of crown a wolf could wear every day really. the only thing is, and i cannot believe i am saying this, the only thing is, well, at eleventy parts ferocious, i kind of.. i kind of wish there was a ferociousness dial because even at twelve i am not sure i can always -

uh oh, mom- u better - i cannot hold- run before..o no its com-

raWwwwwwRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :)

Baxter, what can your Mom not do in makey makey? :) Your crown is so detailed and you should definitely wear it when you feel ferocious.
That crown is the crown of crowns! 😮
You look so regal and ferocious in it! Rawr!!
Wow. Your crown is incredible!! Just like you!! :) Sorry.... promise no cooties were in that statement.
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