Monday, July 22, 2019

we just like 2 party like 2 party party yeah :)

okay, mom, i will be there in just a second!! 

hee hee hee, okay, lessee, one super duper mega gigantic air conditioned funzy puncture proof bouncy house in serpent green - check! delivery in one hour - check! mom’s credit card number - check! hee hee okey dokey -


now lessee, where can we get eleventy hundred pounds of rainbow sprinkles?  hmmm, hmmmm ... 

uh oh! what? o nothing mom. what’s under my chest? o, well, i was just coming to tell u i found your iphoney! u know, like right here on the floor. what a crazy coinkydink right? i mean, what are the chances? especially with my iphoney having been taken away for reasons totally within me and duk duk’s control, and me finding yours right here. it’s a summer miracle real-

-ly. eeeeek! no, mom, don’t take - no, i’m not done yet! 

um, mom, before u ground me, may i please re-borrow your phone to leave instructions on where they should set up the bouncy house? everything needs to be set up by two so me and duk duk and lulu the tiger and lil pink puppy can start stinking it up in time for chocobot’s unicorn appreciation day party  :)