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seven hours earlier
hee hee, o goody, our adventure is beginning! okay, duk duk, now when we get to stop light u get the wii all plugged in while i’ll finish digging u a spot in my snoozer for your smelly butt and our gummy worm stash, okay? i sure hope we brought enough. the gps says we will be on the road for three hours and by my calculations that means we each can eat only one bag every two minutes so we have to conserve our rations and u know how u r about hogging all the gummy worms so when i look back there, u better b doing what u need to be doing and not what i think u r doing so..

so u better be... duk duk?...(sniff sniff)
... duk duk? duk duk how come i don’t smell -

dad!!! where’s duk duk??
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