Friday, September 20, 2019

skeleweenies and ghostweenies and dragonweenies, oh my! (dooting soon)

hee hee hee i cannot believe how genius we are sometimes, can u , duk duk? i mean, first of all, halloween is all pumpkins and candy and stuff so how do u even try to bring our special brand of ferocious to it? and then, when the first creative lightbulb went off, well, it took forever to figure out how to draw the skeleton and then figure out how to paint it on there. and then, to have mom go back and paint on the glow in the dark stuff we made? well, it just adds that special layer of kalyxcraftopia design kapow, really. 

and then, when we realized our skeleweenies needed company, we were like, hmm, hmmm, o i know! why not make g-   hey, where did the others go? hee hee, o that’s right. let’s take the skeleweenie and move this party over there. 

so, like i was saying, remember how u said dragons and i said ghosts and then we said well, why not both? and while mom’s at it, let’s make the ghost all goopy, glow in the darky radioactive, because, well, who wouldn’t want that? and then we were like, well, they just can’t stand there, can they? ghosts have to float.  

so we had mom make a floating crank system and voila, mechanical radioactive ghost weenies that are hovering over their very own tiny mossy cemetery! hee hee, rest in poop... 

and then we were like, wait, this worked so well, we have got to have flying dragons too! like, really flying dragons. cuz dragons just don’t sit in a pumpkin patch like linus and his blankie, they fly over them with big long lumbering swoops. 

and, tons of thinking and wire later,  our mechanical dragonweenies were born

hee hee, i know, they are all so ferocious and adorable all at the same time.yeppies, pure genius! and now the only question is

 mom, do u think for our doot that maybe u can also make a haunted teeny weenie playhouse for them? u know, just somewhere where they can all party and eat candy and disco dance and stuff ?  :)