Monday, March 2, 2020

a day at the creek :)

cmon, duk duk, hurry. what? no, i packed our lunchy lunch already....a bucket of gummy worms and some chicken chips. what? well i understand chickens are related but u know i know we both know that it is either chicken chips or falcon duk wings if u know what i mean so just get your feather butt over here before mom finds - 

o, hello, mom. what’s that? o, nothing really.  me and duk duk were thinking we might goto the creek today. well, i mean, i know i get to stay home from school because of my stitches and all, but that does not really mean i have to stay home, does it? :)


Anonymous said...

Baxter, I see you got the itch to get out. I know how that is after being trapped inside during winter.

Little Wisconsin Klaus